BVQI Россия BVQI Россия DNVDNV DQS GermanyThe founding of DQS in the year 1985 is directly related to the commencement of the ISO 9000 family. The founding shareholders charged DQS to strengthen their customers’ competitiveness by neutrally and independently assessing their quality skills. Today, almost 20 years later, the dynamic development of the subject of quality management continues unbroken all over the world. And it has become ever so much more colorful and successful. Some companies have expanded on “traditional” quality systems and are on their way to Business Excellence, accompanied by DQS’ custom-tailored services, qualified auditors and dedicated employees. Information about the most significant services between „Quality and Excellence“ and the various supplementing and supporting offers can be found right here, on website of DQS. Аджаст МедиаСайт компании Аджаст Медиа/Adjust Media Бюро ВеритасБюро Веритас ВНИИ классификации, терминологии и информации по стандартизации и качествуВНИИ классификации, терминологии и информации по стандартизации и качеству Госстандарт РФГосстандарт РФ Международная Организация по стандартизацииМеждународная Организация по стандартизации