The Ongoing Evolution of Russia, H.E. Igor S. Ivanov Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation
Since its 1998 financial collapse, Russia has seen steady economic growth, and forecasts suggest sustained improvement. In two years, Russia has instituted simpler taxes, deregulation, a new law on land sales, reform of the courts and a new criminal code. Russia’s economy has made a significant upturn, registering an unprecedented raise in public revenues. Investment opportunities in Russia and the Russian Far East have increased. Russia’s relations with Europe and particularly the United States are at an all-time high. The close personal relationship between Russian President Vladmir Putin and U.S. President George Bush may signal the basis of a new relationship based on cooperation on matters ranging from nuclear weapons to the environment to the "war on terrorism." Only weeks before a key U.S.-Russian presidential summit, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov will outline the economic and political prospects of the world’s largest country.
Igor Sergeevich Ivanov has been minister of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation since 1998. He served as Russian Ambassador to Spain. Mr. Ivanov chaired an inter-departmental commission preparing for Russia’s entry into the Council of Europe, and served as Acting Deputy Chief of a commission on co-operation with international financial and economic organizations.
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