07 ноября 2004 года November 7-11, 2004: International Congress of Nanotechnology 2004 and Nano World Expo 2004
The 2004 Conference Theme: Bridging to the Next FrontierNovember 7-11, 2004 at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel, California, USA
For further information, please visit web site: http://www.nanotechcongress.com NANO WORLD EXPO 2004: In conjunction with the ICNT Meeting, the Nano World Expo 2004 will feature the state-of the art products and services from leading Nanotech companies, research organizations and technology service firms from the USA and around the world on November 8-10, 2004. For further information on Exhibition and Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact events@ianano.org CALL FOR PAPERS: Original research papers on all technical aspects of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are invited for submission to the ICNT. Abstracts can be submitted online or it can be email in PDF format to abstracts@ianano.org. If you wish to submit an abstract for poster presentation, please refer to Poster Presentation Guidelines. SPEAKING OPPORTUNITY: If you are interested in a potential speaking opportunity at the ICNT conference, please visit the Speaking Opportunity web pages, or email our Program Director at program@ianano.org REASONS TO PARTICIPATE: Several reasons why you should participate in the ICNT/Nano World Expo 2004: 1. One Stop Shop Scientific Conference and Exposition
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