Брифинг с Заместителем министра экономического развития и торговли России Андреем Шароновым

В ходе брифинга А. Шаронов выступит перед представителями политических, финансовых и промышленных кругов Лондона. Данный брифинг является одним из серии мероприятий в преддверии Российского Экономического Форума (17-19 апреля 2002).

"A New Age of Economic Reform in Russia"

On the evening of Monday, 4 March, the Russian Economic Forum is proud to be holding a Briefing and Reception with the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, Mr. Andrei Sharonov.

This is a rare visit abroad for Mr. Sharonov, giving London's financial, corporate and political community, and members of the press, an unprecedented opportunity to hear from one of Russia's most influential policy makers, working at the heart of the country's ambitious reform programme.

Russia's Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, headed by German Gref, has been the main player in designing, guiding and implementing the reform process in Russia. This has covered a vast range of initiatives, such as tax and pension reform, and PSA legislation, and the Ministry is central to the negotiations regarding key issues of foreign trade, including such vital questions as Russia's accession to the WTO and Russia-EU relations.

Mr. Sharonov concentrates heavily on energy-related issues, and he plays a key role in the restructuring of Russia's three main natural monopolies (Gazprom, the electricity network, and the Railways). In all three cases, the two key issues are tariff adjustment and internal restructuring, and Mr. Sharonov played an important part in presenting the government's decisions on tariff increases in December-January.

This event is being organised as part of the ongoing programme of events leading up to the Russian Economic Forum, which takes place this year at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre on 17 - 19 April.

A brief biography and photo of Mr. Sharonov is available at www.ru2uk.com, along with further details on the Forum.

The briefing will commence at 6:30 pm, and will take place in the historic Gladstone Library of One Whitehall Place, which is the home of the National Liberal Club.

The evening is being supported by United Financial Group and the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).

Participation is GBP 50 (incl. UK VAT), including buffet dinner and drinks reception.

Participation is complimentary for delegates already registered for the Russian Economic Forum, or anyone who registers by Friday 1 March. Special delegate discount rate of 10% also expires on the 1st.

To guarantee a place, please telephone 020 7510 2561 and ask for Edward Cowell, or email info@ru2uk.com.


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